The screwy identification fallacy behind California municipalities pushing BSL

The Riverside County “breed-specific” mandatory sterilization ordinance against Pit Bulls is being peddled and copied all throughout the state of California. First it was Riverside County, then onto the city of Riverside, then to Pasadena, and most recently it was duplicated in Lake Elsinore. An aspect most concerning to me is the loose way in which the breed identification portion of the ordinance is being patently accepted as indisputable obviousness.

What this means is that people like Allan Drusys (chief veterinarian with Riverside County), with their unscientific and ignorantly subjective opinions, are sometimes in the positions to make the ultimate breed identification decisions. This is a horrifying reality considering Drusys thinks that identifying a Pit Bull is as easy as recognizing pornography. First off, who said that pornography was easy to identify? The Supreme Court says otherwise. But this notion in regards to visual dog breed identification is asinine on numerous fronts, and yet Drusys’ arrogant claims are quite literally being entrusted as “expert testimony” when in front of any number of elected officials.

Worse, he is claiming a “consensus” when reality utterly refutes that claim in full. Mr. Drusys willfully contradicts a peer-reviewed breed identification study done by Dr. Victoria Voith, part of which was done at the very shelter that Drusys works at. This past Tuesday he was in Lake Elsinore doing this very thing, using the pornography claim to lobby on behalf of the anti-Pit Bull ordinance which is a copy of the one that he helped get rubber-stamped in Riverside County while using the same claims. This is happening now.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Blanca says:

    ‪#‎AllanDrusys‬, ‪#‎Riverside‬ You’re a disgrace to all ‪#‎Veterinarian!! Shame on you for calling yourself a professional. You’re a disgusting human being! I wish you much peace and you’re a prime example that just bc you have a degree doesn’t mean you know anything. Your ignorance is embarrassing to human race!

  2. Amy Bynum says:

    This both saddens and sickens me. Noone or thing should be judged for what one idiot perceives them to be. No way is it fair to ban a breed of dogs. Especially this amazing breed. I am a pit bull mommy and I would kill before I let anyone take my babies from me. Did I mention that I am also a mom if 8 children?? When we first moved into our home here our boy Kino who was about 1 1/2 at the time saved us all from a burglar. He never made it past the front door before Kino’s wagging tail and happy demeanor turned not SO happy. This man never got more than half a foot through our door before Kino had him treed I. The neighbors yard. I will be forever great fun for my heroes and I just wish more people would get to know these amazing animals before they hate them.by the way your so called “SPECIALIST” Is a quack who wants to make a quick buck. FAIL TRY AGAIN

  3. […] sole purpose of publicly shilling for the bill? Riverside County chief veterinarian Allan Drusys, known here for being the guy that compares breed identification to viewing pornorgraphy, and Animal Friends of the Valleys director Willa Bagwell, known here for being the local shelter […]

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