The less than 1% do not reflect the more than 99%

Posted June 22nd, 2014 in Media and tagged , , , by Josh

As someone who wrote a pretty well-shared rebuttal to Charlotte Alter’s Time article, I now want to say something else… I’ve seen many people attempt to address Alter all over social media, some fantastically, some not. There’s a certain portion of people that were offended by what she wrote, and in response have decided to be just as offensive back, or MORE SO.

It truly is disgraceful when I have to see irrationally unstable people (who claim to love dogs) online calling for the death of someone they disagree with, calling her a “dumb bitch,” calling her a “whore pig,” wishing her to be “euthanized,” calling her mom a “fat slut,” and so on and so on. If you’d turn your brain on for just a moment you’d realize that with your trollish, eye for an eye, reprehensible behavior towards Alter you are doing the EXACT OPPOSITE of advocating for your dogs. You are instead cheapening us all by committee (and unfairly, I might add, because I want nothing to do with you), because who will be held up as a representative for Pit Bulls? Me? Or the woman that called for her death and referred to her family in a tasteless fashion on Twitter? Take a second… I’ll let you ponder that question.

Just as the media takes the 0.01% of dogs that are actually dangerous/unsound and uses them to disparage the 99.9% that are awesome, they will use an idiot’s vicious and personal rant to label everyone else who has been really informative, and thus unfairly drag us all through the mud together.

Further, if you didn’t have a dog and were just stumbling onto this “debate” from afar, to see how some of the “dog advocates” are behaving is to potentially have these folks believe the garbage that gets spewed to disparage Pit Bulls. Why? Because you are the one’s being vicious online. As vicious as the DogsBite cult, as vicious as any truly dangerous individual dog.

Quit ruining things for the compassionate, genuine, hard-working, thoughtful and responsible people of the world, who make up the vast majority, by giving people the illusion that you are speaking on my behalf. YOU ARE NOT SPEAKING ON MY BEHALF. You are not helping any of the dogs. You are actually doing the opposite. You are giving dog-hating people fuel, by providing them with stupid shreds of buffoonery that they will then use to attempt to scapegoat us all, just as they do with the dogs.

3 Responses so far.

  1. el says:

    People who distrust pit bulls don’t hate dogs
    Many love animals and are distrusting because their animals have been attacked. Dogs included.

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