The bad and terrible faces of Jeff Borchardt

This interview with Jeff Borchardt, anti-Pit Bull hatemonger, is a total misrepresentation of actual reality. How many lies can be packed into 45 seconds?

First of all, this piece states that Mr. Borchardt had “no concern” with the dogs being around his baby. This isn’t true, as he’s stated numerous times that the dogs were to remain kenneled in a yard outside and never to be around his son. Yet, he now blames ALL dogs for his son’s death and not the actual babysitter who violated his request… And I’m certainly not saying she needs blamed, but if he’s hellbent on blaming someone in order to process his grief then maybe he should start with focusing on the individuals who were actually involved with Daxton’s death. This babysitter, Susan Iwicki, has now conveniently became as vicious in her sweeping anti-dog ideologies as Borchardt is, which surely comes in handy for the cause of trolling the internet using a multitude of fake profiles to spread hate against all Pit Bulls and all dog owners. Also, in this story Borchardt claims to have not only known and liked the dogs, but talks as if he has all kinds of personal insight into their actual characters. More disingenuous, reconstructed and dressed up nonsense. This is aside from the numerous erroneous factoids he attempts to jam into his last sentence that they air for their piece. Last, it’s claimed that his organization doesn’t seek a ban on Pit Bulls, yet there’s years of his own statements available online that tell otherwise. Represent yourself honestly in public, man!

These tactics of inconsistency are always present when the few DogsBite followers (rarely) come out and present their ideas to the non-controlled public. Colleen Lynn does the exact same thing, ramping down her rhetoric to appear only 75% psychotic instead of a raging 125%. Again, be real. It speaks volumes when you can’t be.

FACTS to counter the rubbish in the video interview from MyFOX Chicago:


^This is taken directly from the DogsBite website, which isn’t to show that it has any credibility, but rather that it’s the Borchardt-approved story that was put out through their own string of websites. A counter to this story, which is based on the actual police report, can be seen here.

Here’s a statement taken directly from the Daxton’s Friends website (many of his cruder statements appear on Facebook and all over internet comment sections), which backs both dog regulations and dog bans…


It’s also stated on this website that 26 different dog breeds are considered (by Borchardt) as “potentially dangerous.” Lol. First off, from his angle (which is to vilify entire breeds and types) this is total bullshit. Secondly, semantically speaking every single dog, as well as any other animal and any other person or object, is “potentially” dangerous. But anyways, his Daxton’s Friends website sweepingly proclaims that all American Bulldogs, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Miniature Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Great Danes, St. Bernards, Rottwilers, Akitas, Boxers, Alaskan Malamutes, Chows, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Shar Peis, Siberian Huskies, Olde English Bulldogs, Bullmastiffs, Cane Corsos, Dogo Argentinos, English Mastiffs, Fila Brasileiros, Dogue de Bordeauxs, and Presa Canarios are a detriment to public safety and should be regulated. Nice guy.

When addressing a control freak like Borchardt I oftentimes speak of the concept of collective blame. Instead of being specific and holding the individuals involved accountable, this concept instead scapegoats massive groups of uninvolved individuals and promotes the erroneous philosophy of precrime. Jeff Borchardt displays this way of thinking in absolute spades… Pit Bulls aside, look at this post from September of last year where he blames “pro-Pit Bull organizations,” Best Friends, the National Canine Research Council, Animal Farm Foundation, Bad Rap, Pit Bulletin Legal News Network, the ASPCA, the HSUS, the Center for Disease Control Prevention, the American Veterinary Medical Association, Shorty Rossi and the show “Pit Boss,” Tia Torres and the show “Pit Bulls and Parolees,” Cesar Millan and the show “The Dog Whisperer,” and any parent out there who might dare post a photo of their dog with their children onto Facebook for killing his son Daxton Borchardt. You are all to blame!

Below is Borchardt using the phrase “die out” or “bred out,” which alludes to his softer public stance of mandating sterilization laws onto Pit Bulls instead of outright bans. This is what many from the DogsBite cult will speak of now, which allows them to publicly hide their true intent behind the misnomers of caring about any overpopulation, Pit Bull shelter deaths, or any abuse that any individual dog may suffer at the hands of a person. Much like PETA, they will say that they are doing it for the dog’s “own good and protection.” To the laymen who has no idea either way this presents a picture of a less extreme person who, instead of calling for an eradication roundup, is simply calling for a spay and neuter law with the grandest of intentions. Without any context or background this incredible disingenuousness sometimes goes unaccounted for…


Here is Borchardt (just this week) “liking” a link to a petition that calls for the banning of ownership of Pit Bulls as domesticated pets, and then once clicked through a fuller screenshot of what that petition entails…


And finally, here’s Borchardt saying that he’s going to kill any Pit Bull-type dog that moves into his neighborhood by serving it antifreeze to drink…


I don’t know Jeff Borchardt personally. I certainly have empathy and compassion for him, person to person, in regards to the tragic loss of his son’s life. What he’s went through I wouldn’t wish on anyone, ever. But sadly, with this issue he’s constantly shown himself to be a reprehensible, classless, ignorant and despicable person who’s allowed his grief to literally turn him into a flagrant monster.

17 Responses so far.

  1. […] June 22 I issued a public invitation to both William Johnson and Jeff Borchardt, anti-Pit Bull folks, to have them join me on the next Bull Horn video podcast that we try to do […]

  2. Trish says:

    I hate pit bulls and want them wiped off the face of the earth, and I’m not ashamed to say it. I won’t do anything about it, but it’s how I feel. They terrify me.

  3. Margaret says:

    Josh…I’ve been spending the evening perusing the internet, trying to reconcile my feelings as a dog rescue volunteer. On the one hand, I encounter pits all the time who seem like the calmest, most mellow, goofiest dogs imaginable. On the other hand the stats can’t totally lie, and I often fear that this fanatical promotion of pitbulls as the perfect family dog is going to have many more tragic consequences.

    It has started to bother me at the rescue where I volunteer that these dogs are regularly adopted out to families with small children. These families then regularly post pics of their toddlers and small children cuddling up to them, dogs who are new to them and new to their homes, all in the name of trying to prove how non-vicious they are. It’s like people put these dogs and their cause above their own children. The reality is that all dogs should be treated with some level of caution, all dogs can potentially bite or even attack, but a pitbull who attacks is likely to do a lot more damage. You can’t really deny that, can you? Yet in a desperate effort to show how sweet and cuddly these dogs are people are losing their minds and taking risks they probably wouldn’t even take with a chihuahua. Doesn’t that bother you at all, that you might be partially responsible for downplaying the danger, and that it could result in a child being horribly and brutally maimed or killed?

    At times in my perusal, I’ve read some things from pitbull advocates that almost seem somewhat rational and reasonable. Then I come across a batshit crazy post like your own, and I can’t help but think that many of you are tossing all rationality and perspective out the window. Your post is incoherent and factually inaccurate, but that’s not the worst of it. It’s actually bordering on sociopathic, in your lack of compassion (despite you saying “I have compassion, uh, no, you don’t) and your attempt to make a guy who LOST HIS BABY to a vicious dog mauling into the villain here.

    So, if your goal was to totally reinforce the misgivings I have about pitbull advocates and their credibility, integrity and sanity, congrats, mission accomplished.

    • Josh says:

      First of all, I believe that every dog is an individual dog. That’s kind of important. So with that, I wouldn’t be someone that is out saying to anyone else that any breed or type is the “perfect family dog.” That’s just a lazy and inaccurate way to go about things. Secondly, how am I to blame for what people do with their own children and with respect to their own desires for taking whatever kinds of photos that they’d want to take? I talk at length about responsibility on this website, and not being reckless with your dog (no matter what breed it is). With that, there’s no pill to swallow for ensuring safety, and there’s no situation that is going to bear out the exact same results in every given scenario. People need to know their own dogs, they need to know what goes on under their own roofs, they need to teach everyone about safety and about what is proper and improper in regards to their individual dog. You talk about “people” as if everything is the same. You don’t know why they take those photos, as 1 person’s reason may differ from the next. You don’t know the environments for which those photos were taken in, nor do you know the level or supervision or non-supervision that was going on or does go on. So stop talking in generalities. I’m not to be blamed for what “people” do, or how you view what they are doing.

      You are correct in stating that ALL DOGS SHOULD BE TREATED WITH SOME LEVEL OF CAUTION, AS ALL DOGS CAN POTENTIALLY BITE. That’s obvious. But can I deny that a Pit Bull would do “more damage”? Um, yes I can deny that because it’s a totally vague and open-ended statement that is just based in fear and no specifics whatsoever! More damage than what? Stop talking about breed, as if they are all copies of each other. 1 Pit Bull may do “more damage” than 1 Lab, but then a different Lab might do “more damage” than a different Pit Bull. You can deny this? How? And what if the dog is mixed, which most all Pit Bull-type dogs are? Do you just attribute whatever negative behavior to the Pit Bull? At what percentage does it stop being a Pit Bull? And is it a Pit Bull because you say it is? But what if your neighbor disagrees? My point is that when you aren’t talking about individual dogs, based in evidence that is aligned with that particular dog, then you are just attributing things to millions of dogs. Don’t talk about “attacks” and then try to hang that on millions of dogs. That does a disservice to everyone. Don’t imply that a Pit Bull is more dangerous than every other dog… That gives people a false sense of security around all other dogs, does it not? As well as an unsubstantiated fear around all Pit Bulls, does it not? Any why is everyone’s vague comparison always made by comparing a Pit Bull with a Chihuahua? A Chihuahua is quite literally 1 of the smallest dog breeds that exist. If you’re going to do the inaccurate thing and utterly fail to see dogs as the individuals that they are, at least compare whatever group to another breed that is physically the same size.

      As far as Jeff Borchardt goes, I do have compassion for him in the fact that he lost his son to an awful dog attack. You don’t get to tell me who I have compassion for, sorry. But at the same time, he doesn’t just get to carte blanche come after all Pit Bulls in response to a specific incident, blame them all, try to ban them all, try to have them all killed. Nope, he doesn’t. People will challenge him on that… Does that then mean that every person who challenges him on his elimination agenda lacks all compassion for what he has been through? No, not at all. But that’s an incredibly simple way of looking at things, I’ll tell you that much. Also, if you think that my above post is “batshit crazy” then great, I’d disagree. But again, here you are allowing your feelings for 1 individual person cloud your perspective on (insert here) group of people, in this case “Pit Bull advocates,” and by whatever metric that you’ve grouped them. The fact remains that people (and dogs) are individuals. If you have a problem with 1, don’t blame a group. That’s the overriding message, both in my original post and in this comment directed at you now. If that rule of thumb makes me “sociopathic” in your eyes then so be it.

    • Julie Wall says:

      Your comment is spot on about Josh and most other pit bull advocates. I come from the animal rescue community and used to be misguided by people like Josh. I was going to adopt a rescue pit bull until I became aware that pit bull types are the number one canine killer of children, peopleand livestock of all other breeds combined and of all time. I could never recommend pit bulls as a safe family pet because of unethical backyard breeding and genetics.

      All pit bull type dogs adoptions should come with a mandatory warning label like on cigarette boxes or so people are aware of the risk that shelters and rescues by law have to disclose. “Pit bull type dogs are the number one canine killer of children, people, other people’s beloved pets and livestock of all other dog breeds combined and of all time. All pit bull owners should own a break-stick and know how to use it. Temperament is not the problem with pits; they are generally pleasant to be around when raised well. The danger is the unprovoked aggression, gameness, and physical ability, that has been bred into them from day 1. This cannot be trained or loved away, and you never know when it will appear until it’s too late. From 2005-2015: 210 people killed by pit bulls, many by their beloved pet. When a consumer product injures and kills that many people, and generates comparable liability history, that product is taken off the market: These families know exactly what breed of dog killed their loved one: http://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities.php

      For those who say “not all pit bulls will attack or kill” — yes, it’s true. Not all will. But predicting which ones will is impossible. They pass shelter behavior tests, then go on to kill or maim people. They “never show any sign of aggression” then one day kill their owner. Out of the blue. This is why they are so dangerous. Who wants to bet their kids or other pets that the pit bull THEY adopt won’t be one of the ones who “goes all pit” one day?

  4. CZ says:

    Josh, please see this article which reveals some very disturbing facts about how the “family” pit bulls were treated. Each LARGE BREED DOG received a TOTAL OF ONE CUP OF DOG FOOD PER DAY – OR 1/2 CUP PER MEAL. This is a criminally abusive STARVATION diet, the same diet used by dog fighters to motivate their dogs to kill helpless animals during training. Susie Iwicki had rabbits stacked up in cages that the dogs were jumping at during the police investigation – DOCUMENTED IN THE POLICE REPORT. In other words, Susie Iwicki, against Dax’s father’s instructions, gave her intentionally starved pit bulls who displayed aggression to helpless animals protected in cages, free access to a helpless human toddler.

    “Margaret”, when someone turns their personal tragedy into a crusade of ignorance, bloodthirst, misinformation, fraud, revenge, hate, and PUBLICLY demands actions that will result in the murder of innocent friendly beloved family pets of caring, responsible dog owners, merely because they have a similar LOOK to dogs his “friend” starved and likely a lot worse, the person has tossed their sympathy card out the window themselves.

    Anyone who labels as a “SOCIOPATH” someone whose beloved family pet is the TARGET of an actual sociopath’s rage-fueled, violent, ignorant agenda, is likely yet another pit bull hater employing the propaganda technique “Third-Party Observer” to try and fool people into thinking them unbiased. Sorry, “Margaret”, busted.

    “Margaret”, this entire article is specifically about Borchardt’s death crusade against pit bulls. Your post contains completely unrelated accusations that I can merely scroll up to show to be bold-faced lies. You make the same credibility mistake as your fake “public education” fraud mentors (dogsbite, Merritt, Barbara, etc.) – you ONLY display concern about possible “pit bull” bites as if bites by other breeds are unworthy of your concern. Please also take an actual statistics course as you apparently confuse tallying biased, incomplete media reports as “statistics” and don’t know the difference between counts and rates. Oops.



    • Lisa says:

      The police report says the dogs ate one cup TWICE a day. The vets and anyone that examined the dogs said they were healthy and maybe even a little overweight. Try reading the whole article and double checking before jumping down someone’s throat.

      • CZ says:

        Your statement is wrong. Quote from Police Report:

        “Iwicki stated that both dogs were fed together 1 cup of dog food in the morning and one cup of dog food in the evening. ”

        “…fed together 1 cup…” 1 cup divided by 2 dogs = 1/2 cup. If she meant EACH dog was fed 1 cup, which is NOT what the police report says, that is still underfed for Susan’s dogs who weighed about 50 and 60 lbs each as stated on their prior vet records, even more so if the dog food was poor quality dog food low in nutritional value.

        These are the facts minus any irrational emotions that tend to cloud a person’s ability to think logically.

  5. […] SCREENSHOT! “Oh my God! In this man’s 2nd stage of grief (anger), he said something he regrets. This man wants to kill every pit bull in the world!” Give me a break people. What do you care anyways? How is it the VICTIMS and VICTIMS ADVOCATES fault […]

  6. […] mere suggestion that Jeff Borchardt is a public safety advocate is one of the most ridiculous oxymorons that could dare be suggested. […]

  7. […] Borchardt has no ability to actually stick to specific facts and instances. He seeks to blame everything on everyone, and link everything with everyone, and paint everything with the same brush. He fundamentally […]

  8. […] The Borchardt’s did not press for charges to be filed instead defending her even though Ms. Iwiki knowingly & willingly broke an agreement that led to the death of his child. Since then, Mr. Borchardt as shifted blame from the individual responsible to millions of people […]

  9. […] parrot the Mount Rushmore of dog hate (Colleen Lynn, Merritt Clifton, “Craven Desires,” Jeff Borchardt). The poisonous ideology they push is dedicated to violence against dogs, really by any means but […]

  10. […] and parrot the Mount Rushmore of dog hate (Colleen Lynn, Merritt Clifton, “Craven Desires,” Jeff Borchardt). The poisonous ideology they push is dedicated to violence against dogs, really by any means but […]

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