Stephen Elliott and Howard “Rusty” Fox, a retired Studio City couple, are seeking justice for their 6-month-old Yorkie Vargas, who was put down in February after being attacked by a dog alleged to be a Pit Bull. Mr. Elliott’s middle fingertip was also bitten off when he tried to intervene and save his dog. The medical attempts to reattach the fingertip failed and he had to have a finger-shortening amputation surgery in March. Elliott’s since spoken at an April Studio City Neighborhood Council meeting in an effort to bring attention to the lack of response they are getting from both the dog owner and the involved departments who are responsible for investigating the incident.
Anti-Pit Bull hating demagogue Colleen Lynn of has also involved herself, publishing a letter that was written by the couple and sent to a representative of Los Angeles City Councilman Paul Krekorian. It’s within this letter where Elliott and Fox call for a ban on Pit Bulls, using both Denver’s definition of a Pit Bull and their ban as a “model.” They also suggest bans on the “future sale, breeding or adoption of Pit Bulls.” Going further, they want to see the implementation of a “special Pit Bull license” for dogs grandfathered in, and want to see legislation passed that would automatically label them as being “potentially dangerous,” which would then trigger special requirements forcing owners to obtain a “potentially dangerous breed permit” and require that all owners carry liability insurance.
A lot of this stuff is currently prohibited by state law, which would leave them with focusing on a breed-specific mandatory spay and neuter law (in a city that already has a mandatory spay and neuter law for all dogs), but I’m pointing out their desires because it needs to be noted for the record.
Below is an email communication that I initiated with both of them on May 7th:
Communication with Studio City couple by swaylove
It kind of speaks for itself.
As you can see here, there’s been public communication with Colleen Lynn from DogsBite since at least April…
Just as I briefly mentioned in my initial letter to them, the information alignment between this couple and Lynn is obvious. Their agenda is equally clear, instead of legitimately improving public safety and holding individuals responsible they’d rather ban and kill all of the dogs. As you can see in the above email exchange (page 3), Rusty Fox proclaimed: “I can honestly say kill every one of them.”
If you’d like to counter this madness coming from Elliott and Fox then please send your respectable thoughts to the Studio City Neighborhood Council through this contact form. You can also reach any member of the Los Angeles City Council, who I’m sure are now being lobbied by Elliott and Fox as well.
I would like to say that more people are attacked by labs than pitt bulls, my Roxy wouldn’t hurt a fly, just like our children we are responsible for the way they grow up by how we bring them up, I had a guy who said he wanted to shot Roxy just because of her bread, I told him he’d better watch his dogs if he was going to do that, she is part of our family just like the rest of my family are, we have three dogs, a malamute, rotty, and red noise pitty, and two cats nd they all get on fine. To have someone tell me to get rid of them because someone else can’t give a dam, is like telling me to put down my children, over my dead body
Fortunately, 2006 saw the legislation come to pass that forbids breed specific legislation from being enacted in the state of California at any level (city, muni/county, state).
FYI… Colleen Lynne is, always has been and always will be an emotional and intellectual fraud. She has no backing with the exception of a few hundred 1949 McCarthyism sympathizer throw back types who still believe in broken mirrors, black cats, and walking under ladders.
The pit bull hating community is just pissed because their 15 minutes of fame is over. Cities replacing their breed specific laws with breed neutral are beating down the Denver,CO-type hold outs 9 to 1. This coming from the same and only source where gets their flawed statistics: The American Media.
As the old saying goes… “it Sucks to be You.”
Team Pit-a-Full, some versions of BSL are still allowed in California.
[…] couple who are on a warpath to regulate “Pit Bulls” in Los Angeles. They are doing all of this to avenge the death of their Yorkie, who was killed by a loose dog and the inaction of 1 […]
Josh you are a phenomenal person! How do I reach you?!
[…] where did this directive come from in the first place? If you remember, last year I wrote about a Studio City couple that got the ear of City Councilman Paul Krekorian after their puppy was killed by a loose dog in […]
The words I want to really say eacspe me at this moment.All I can say is BRAVO. For your intellect at the age you were when this happened, how you handled it and how you have expressed yourself. Scars or no scars, you are beautiful inside and out. I would love it if you joined this facebook group and speak about this.It would be an honor to the young girls of Canada and the world to have you represent Canada and the Universe.