San Diego Union Tribune trying to stir up hatred

Important: I was notified that the San Diego Union Tribune is doing a phone survey concerning whether the city should BAN PIT BULLS…
It takes 30 seconds, I just did it…
1-800-244-6397 x2506, choose option #2 (It’s the owners, not the breed, against ban) ~ It doesn’t matter if you live in the area or not, you can still participate and it’s free…

You can also go directly to their website and vote

From a grassroots level doing both is advisable, and it gives us the opportunity to speak up resoundingly loud in favor of the millions of fantastic Pit Bulls and out against any potential spreading of BSL legislation… It’s been thoroughly proven to not work, thoroughly rejected by the majority of people, and does nothing but induce hate, increased killing, stereotyping, scapegoating and ugliness.

All of this comes in light of a horrible incident that occurred on Saturday involving a 75-year-old woman from Paradise Hills… An incident that in my view should prompt the DA to file charges AGAINST THE OWNERS of the dogs…

What we don’t want, and what we constantly have to deal with, is opportunists and vile human beings using this tragedy as justification for banning and subsequently killing ALL Pit Bulls.

No Pit Bull is inherently dangerous or inherently violent, and especially towards human beings… It is just not reality, but yet continues to be exploited by media and the like because it drives ratings and is a hot button topic for people who’ve never taken a minute of their time to ever be around or bother to get to know one… If they did, they would see almost instantaneously that the very-high-majority of all Pit Bulls in existence (even the ones in shelters, many of which have never had a home, a person, or been shown love) have some of the most generous and loving dispositions towards their human counterparts. This is irrefutable. It is bad owner’s–made up of dog fighters, gang members, drug runners and just downright careless human beings of all color and creed–and placated by irresponsible breeder’s (who allow said individuals to continue to occupy these animals) that are the problem, and make no mistake about it.

Quite bluntly–anyone with a shred of common sense, dignity and decency can see that it’s an “owner” or “circumstance” to blame, not a dog… And villainizing an entire ANYTHING based on the actions of a few is patently ignorant and flat out wrong, always, and every time.

Please participate and then share, WE HAVE THE POWER, our voices…