Response to Pam Ashley

Posted April 9th, 2012 in Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice and tagged , , by Josh

This post is my response to a guest commentary piece, written by Pam Ashley, that ran in Alabama’s “The Gadsden Times.” Please read the above link first for the full context…

Dear Pam,
First of all, I’m genuinely sorry to hear about what happened to your Weimaraner, Bleu. That is a tragedy, and a senseless act that certainly could have been avoided, albeit not by anything that you did or didn’t do. By the accounts that I’ve read, you and your family did all that you could do to ensure a safe environment for all. It’s beyond unfortunate that your family was located next to a neighbor that was this irresponsible. It’s also beyond unfortunate that these types of irresponsible people even continue to exist at all. I would give anything to have everyone in this world take responsibility for their actions, to treat others (people and animals) with kindness, to consistently use common sense, to show empathy, to have compassion in their heart. I’d also give anything to have everyone that has a companion animal embrace the fact that that animal should be loved and treated as if it were part of the family. My best bet is that these 2 Pit Bulls were not from this type of environment. That’s unfortunate. The “no remorse” shown by your neighbors seems indicative of this fact. I also realize how unsettling it must be to have a sheriff deputy, followed by the local animal control, claim that they can do “nothing” in response to this fatal attack upon your dog. That is ridiculous, all very much ridiculous. But please continue to hear me out…

The statistics you cite, claiming fatal dog attacks (to people), and showing that a certain amount were perpetrated by Pit Bulls… This total number (from all dog types) is just a handful, per year. I say that not to justify any attack, but to attempt to provide a perspective in regards to how often these things actually happen. According to the HSUS, there is approximately 78 million “owned” dogs in the United States alone. That doesn’t account for the millions of shelter animals (4-5 million are killed each year, close to half of the dogs being Pit Bulls), nor the many that are unregistered and etc… I’d say that it’s certainly not a stretch to then say that at least 5 million of those 78 million are Pit Bulls or Staffordshires. To the average person who will vaguely use “Pit Bull-type” as a phrase, that number probably then doubles, due to the fact that the Pit Bull isn’t even an actual breed of dog. And these are all fairly conservative (Pit Bull-related) estimates mind you… So just to continue to be fair: You are essentially saying that x-amount of Pit Bulls (4? 5? 6?) killed a person during whatever specific year you’d want to cite, without then accounting for the x-amount of Pit Bulls that didn’t. Well, that “didn’t” number is going to astronomically dwarf any number that you can possibly find.

For examples sake: Let’s say that there are 5 million Pit Bulls, and then 10 fatal attacks that you can actually thoroughly cite…
That means that 0.000002% of all Pit Bulls actually killed a person that year.
In turn, that means that 99.999998% of all Pit Bulls DID NOT kill a person that year.
So yes, you’re correct, “statistics do not lie.”

Fatal attacks involving “Pit Bulls” from the years 1979 through 1998 total “66.” In that 19 year window it breaks down to 3.47 “fatalities” per year. Not 34, not 347, but 3(point)47.

You also realize that in the extremely rare event that a dog does actually kill a person, the media has been caught countless times just shamelessly calling that dog a Pit Bull, when in numerous instances it’s later found out to not actually be the case. This is done to drive coverage, to sensationalize the broadcast. I’d hope that that would come as no surprise to you.

Also worth noting… Pit Bulls outnumber German Shepherds and Rottweilers and Chows and Dobermans, the other 4 types commonly cited in “bite” statistics, by a 3-4-5 to 1 ratio. Which then means that these other types infract “more.” So are you in favor of banning them as well? I would assume that you are not, since they weren’t the type that killed your dog, nor do they have websites dedicated to peddling misinformation that defies logic, and all in the name of being hateful.

In regards to your claim that “if provoked for whatever reason, a Pit Bull attacks relentlessly until its victim is dead, unless forced off” … Well, that’s just patently false. Millions of Pit Bulls are “provoked” every single day. “Provoked” could mean anything quite frankly… If what you say is actually true, these landsharks would be killing thousands of animals, as well as thousands of people, PER DAY. Because, as your article states, “they cannot be called off the attack once they’ve started.” So that implies that either the Pit Bull dies (due to being “forced” off, shot, etc.), or the animal or person it is “attacking” dies. So, um, why aren’t we hearing about this kind of thing at the rapid fire pace that your outrageous claims imply?

To your claim about Pit Bulls not being used by law enforcement or the military. Well, first, many are…. But more importantly, the reason why they are not IS NOT because of what you state. You claim that they aren’t used because “they cannot be called off once they’ve started.” Nope. In reality, they aren’t used because they aren’t inherently human aggressive. They are not bred for protection, or to bite and hold, like say, a German Shepherd or a Belgian Shepherd is. And that’s not a knock on German or Belgian Shepherds either, as they are wonderful dogs as well. But Pit Bulls specifically have human aggression purposely, and oftentimes brutally, bred OUT of them. This is done, even by the shadiest character, so that they can continue to be used by scum for dog fighting, without then redirecting and “attacking” their human ring handler.

I don’t mean to get short with you in any way, but some of the things that you’ve said, well, I’ve taken GREAT offense to. You are offending millions of people with your broad-brushing. What you are doing is senselessly piling on, and it’s going to indirectly affect someone else, someone innocent. You state “sterilization should also be a requirement so this breed can die off.” Do you hear yourself? That’s an unbelievably cruel thing to say. If you were my mother I’d be completely embarrassed by your assessment. My mother happens to be a registered nurse, just like you. She also happens to have a Pit Bull that she loves and makes part of her family.

Your argument is essentially to “ban the gun” instead of even remotely attempting to focus on the criminal who used that gun to shoot and kill a person. That’s misguided. That’s not to compare a Pit Bull to a gun, it’s just a visual reality that people can comprehend. If you “ban the gun,” then those criminals will just go and get an ax, or a hunting knife, or a baseball bat, and so on and so forth. What you are knowingly (or unknowingly) contributing to is the placing of blame down upon an entire breed/type (we are talking MILLIONS of dogs!), while allowing the person(s) responsible for the heinous crime to go free and infract again. That makes no sense at all.

I’m white… If an African American or a Hispanic person were to murder my entire family tomorrow, I wouldn’t go to my local paper and call for the immediate demonization of all African American or Hispanic people. You wouldn’t see my face on the news, unfairly (and insanely) stating how “dangerous” they are as a whole. I would never state anything as remotely psychotic as that. I wouldn’t think it privately to myself, not for a second. There would be absolutely none of that at all, whatsoever… Yet with you, that’s what you’ve done here. Do you not see how your response is comparable to this hypothetical example? If you don’t then you’re just a total hypocrite.

You asked me (Pit Bull advocates) to ask myself some questions. Here are the answers…

“Why, specifically, do you want a Pit Bull?” Because they’ve been in my life for over 10 years. My best friend in the world just happened to be one, she was with me for over 8 years. She was extraordinarily special. They are extremely loving, smart, affectionate, loyal, hilarious, good-natured animals.

“What about a Pit Bull is more appealing than adopting any other breed of dog?” Well, what made you adopt/buy a Weimaraner? There’s qualities in each dog, as individuals, that we fall in love with. Dogs are individuals and loving people choose how they choose. I can’t speak for someone that wants to fight them, or treat them like garbage, or not socialize them, or not show them love… But please don’t confuse me with such a person. Please don’t confuse the hundreds of thousands of people that have Pit Bulls as family pets, as such a person. Your vagueness doesn’t fly here. Your text smugness doesn’t fly here. Why do I personally like Pit Bulls going forward? Because I know firsthand what amazing dogs they are. I know firsthand how badly they are stereotyped, and how badly they are treated by certain factions of humanity. I know that there are people like you out there who are trying to spread hate, whether you realize it or not. I will fight that until I’m dead and gone.

“Why don’t you believe the evidence that shows Pit Bulls cannot be called off an attack once it starts?” Because that evidence doesn’t exist. Why don’t you believe the mathematical evidence that unequivocally shows that 99.9% of Pit Bulls living in this country have never killed a person?

“Are you willing to view graphic pictures of people and animals mauled by Pit Bulls and then tell those people that there was about a 48% chance they wouldn’t have been attacked, that they were just unlucky?” You’re sarcasm is unnecessary. Yes, I’m willing to view pictures. No, I wouldn’t have a generic rhetorical response to feed them. Each instance should be looked at and treated on its own merits, and that goes for every incident involving dogs of all breeds.

“Can you visualize your child/neighbor/yourself with arms chewed off, face torn off, neck ripped open, and state with assurance that none of this can happen to you or those close to you in the presence of a Pit Bull?” No, I can’t visualize it because my dogs are responsibly cared for. Your stereotypical, ugly way of framing your language is no better than asking me if I “feel safe around a Muslim.”

“Do you defend Pit Bulls because you have a need to have a cause to argue?” No I don’t. Do you blanketly target Pit Bulls because you’re hateful?

Lastly, I implore you to not turn your pain into ignorance. What happened to your dog, Bleu, was terrible. What you are now doing is equally terrible. You are assisting with an ill-sighted witch hunt, and honestly, you should be completely ashamed of yourself. I’d also ask that you visit your local shelter. Physically find it in your heart to actually meet a few of these “types” of dogs. Not your neighbor’s dogs, just random Pit Bulls. Mix it up a little bit. Maybe then your “one side” will turn into something else.

I’ll leave you with this: “No single, neutered/spayed household pet Pit Bull has ever killed anyone.” ~ Karen Delise, Author of “Fatal Dog Attacks”

Thank you for your time and honest consideration,
Josh Liddy


It was brought to my attention that Pam Ashley actually came to my page today and posted a comment… So I’d like to update this post with a few of the most disagreeable posts to my letter, along with my responses to them, as well as Pam’s comment and my response back to her. This will provide for a much fuller dialogue and will possibly serve to delve further than the initial letter went. It will also help people follow this communication, as the comment section stacks weird and it’s hard to get a clear read on the back and forth.

From PNB:

This rebuttal is overflowing with fallacies, as are the emotional comments below. Yes, lots of different kinds of dogs can bite, and lots of pit bulls can lead peaceful lives, not ever attacking another dog or a human. The problem is, the way pitbulls have been bred, when they decide to attack, the results are FAR worse than they would be with most other breeds. And even if owners have the best intentions, one misstep like the several examples given in this article, and the result is death for a beloved pet (or person) and trauma for the family. Most of your statistics site the fact that 99% of pitbulls have not killed a person. What about other PETS? I go to the dog park all of the time and, while not scientific, ALMOST EVERY INCIDENT OF ATTACK I have seen has involved a pitbull or pit-mix. And when they attack, the results are often terrible. As far as killing people is concerned, how many breeds do you know of that have more than 0% history of killing people? There are only a few, and the pitbull is one of them. Fact.

In your comparison between banning pitbulls and banning the gun, you say that criminals would just use an axe, or baseball bat. Maybe. But it takes MUCH MORE force and skill to fatally harm someone with an axe, knife or bat than it does a gun. Like I said, other breeds of dogs attack or bite as well, but most breeds do not have the strength, ability, or determination to annihilate as quickly and ferociously as pits do. Fact.

As for your comparisons with this being equivalent to scapegoating a whole race of people because your family gets killed by someone of that race, that is simply apples to oranges. Human beings of different races, while often culturally or even physically dissimilar, are still human beings, with the ability to reason, and have morals, neither of which dogs have. And human beings are not DOMESTICATED ANIMALS BRED FOR SPECIFIC TRAITS. There is absolutely no comparison.

It is sad to think of all of the dogs, pitbulls or otherwise, that are skipped over at the shelter because of fear. What’s even sadder is that human beings created these animals, not nature or god or anything else. Don’t forget, pitbulls are not “natural” animals, they were CREATED BY HUMANS, just like every other dog breed. These are not endangered wild animals that need protection to preserve nature’s course fro human encroachment. This attitude that many pitbull owners have that they are somehow fighting for the underdog is absolutely misguided. You’re actually fighting for an animal that has been bred to have the ability to ruthlessly destroy other living things if it wishes, unlike almost every other dog breed. They don’t have a natural reason to be here, and there are so many other wonderful breeds of dogs, that there really is no reason to continue to allow these potentially lethal animals to continue being bred. Like many other civilized countries, we should outlaw these dogs after the current living ones have passed away, and support and promote the adoption of dogs that provide companionship and love to other dogs and people, without the desire, and more importantly—the ability—to kill.


Have you ever read Orwell’s 1984? Because you’re a pretty impressive doublespeaker. “Overflowing with fallacies”? Where exactly, unless you are stating that my math was incorrectly done… In which case, please do the equation again and let me know what you come up with.

The reason why I cited the “killing person” numbers, like I did, was because of Pam’s original commentary where she implies that they are people-killers. That’s what’s implied, that’s why I focused there. All dogs can kill another dog. Look to its treatment, look to its environment, look to its socialization, look to its spay/neuter status. This list goes on and on and on…

“What about other pets?” What about them? Many Pit Bulls are dog aggressive, many Pit Bulls are dog selective, many Pit Bulls get along with ALL dogs, many Pit Bulls get along with all dogs and some cats, many Pit Bulls show aggression to all cats. Guess what? Dogs, my friend, are like this… Do you have one? Because it sounds like you have no idea what in the hell you’re talking about. All dogs have these potential characteristics, regardless of breed or type. Your convenient ignoring of the millions of Pit Bulls living happily in homes, as we speak, absolutely crushes any rationale that you pretend to embody.

You want to focus on pet-killing? Okay. What do you have to say about this small snapshot of documented pet-killings, where the perpetrator was another type of dog? »Evidence« Look at that, so unfortunate for your spin session.

How many breeds, throughout the history of time, have actually killed people? Lots. Pit Bulls are one of them. That IS a fact. “One of them,” key phrase.

Your attempt at dismantling my gun comparison. FAIL. How about a machete, or a sledgehammer; a samaurai sword, or a razor-sharp slip wire used to effortlessly slit someone’s throat? How about bleach, or rat poison? Are you in favor of banning them all? It’s intent, not object. Your argument is completely foolish. Are you in favor of banning speech too? This is America, sir. Please tune back into reality.

Regarding the bite comparison: “To the best of our knowledge, there are no published scientific studies that would allow any meaningful comparison to be made of the biting power of various breeds of dogs. There are, moreover, compelling technical reasons why such data describing biting power in terms of ‘pounds per square inch’ can never be collected in a meaningful way. All figures describing biting power in such terms can be traced to either unfounded rumor or, in some cases, to newspaper articles with no foundation in factual data.” ~ Dr. I. Lerh Brisbin, University of Georgia. So sorry.

Regarding the comparison of discrimination: It’s no different. Dogs are individuals, as are people. You can try to hide behind language, but it’s morally pathetic. Again, FAIL.

To your last paragraph: It is a known fact that all dog breeds originated from the wolf. The anatomy, bone structures, nervous systems and mentalities have all originated from the same place. Your fear mongering is hateful, and again, pathetic.

From anthonyxb:

I appreciate Josh Liddy’s passion and certainly appreciate the love people feel for their pit bulls, I’ve met plenty of pits that are sweet hearts. But, unfortunately, Josh and others are putting their hearts ahead of their heads. The rebuttal is filled with half-truths and non-sequiter responses to the questions that have been posed.

I can perfectly acknowledge that 99+% of pits will not kill a person. But Josh says that as if it responds to the point. It does not. Pits are a small (but growing) portion of the total dog population, but they are responsible for a disproportionate amount of deaths. Josh never responds to that. Even if the total amount of deaths is not great, they simply cannot be dismissed as a non-issue — it’s remarkably insensitive to do so.

Beyond deaths, the issue is that, of course, many attacks don’t result in death but do result in serious injuries.

Josh’s analogy of pits to guns is, ironically, right on. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people” is the NRA slogan, and I guess Josh’s analogy is that “Pits don’t kill people, people who don’t train their pits properly kill people.” Well…it isn’t to take the onus off of irresponsible owners, but just as in the absence of a gun a fight is less likely to be deadly, a poorly trained chihuahua will nip obnoxiously while a pit does serious damage. To conflate the two (as a commentator below does) is absurd.

The type of dog is, in short, a relevant variable. To pretend it is not is just silly.

And, last, what about other dogs? It is purely anecdotal, but at dog parks most every fight I see involves a pit bull. My own dog almost died and had 13 stitches when the pit bull living next door (a generally very sweet, well trained pit, by the way, among the fallacies in Josh’s piece is that this is only about irresponsible owners) jumped the fence and attacked her (my dog was 16 years old and pretty much defenseless). I find it odd that supposed dog lovers are arguing about this as if the only thing that matters is attacks on humans. The domination by pit bulls at dog parks in a big city like mine makes it very difficult for those with other dogs to go to dog parks.

Until pit bull owners get their heads out of the sand and realize that pit pulls are different than many other dogs, the issue won’t be dealt with.


I certainly do respond to to the deaths. What did you read? Any severely dog-aggressive Pit Bull should be dealt with on an individual basis. Any human-aggressive Pit Bull should be dealt with on an individual basis. Guess what? When you replace “Pit Bull” with “dog” all of those statements are still true.

I ask for common sense. I ask for the focus to be put on the ROOT of the problem, not on the dog. Look to its treatment, look to its environment, look to its handlers, look to its socialization, look to its spay/neuter status. This list goes on and on and on…

How can you co-sign my gun example, while still doubling down on the demonization of millions of dogs, as if they were all the same? That’s what’s absurd.

Comparing a Pit Bull to a Chihuahua, in scale of “potential damages,” isn’t really legitimate. I didn’t make that comparison. But I can tally off about 50+ dog breeds that are just as capable of a certain level of harm as any random Pit Bull is. I’m using quotations because, you know, some of y’all obviously worship at the alter of being vague. Most larger breed dogs can “potentially” cause VERY serious harm. That case can always be made, so long as there is examples, which there is (from all kinds). Just ask the French woman who underwent the world’s first “face transplant” after her LAB ate her face in 2005. You deny that and you totally lose any honest credibility. But look at how likely it is, then look at why it was. Those are the only things that should matter. According to the Discovery Channel, “hot dogs” kill 70 people per year. Damn!

Regarding some of your other points: Please read (if you want to) my response to PNB (below), which I just left. It thoroughly addresses your last couple of paragraphs.

From Pam Ashley, 7/15/12:

Since Bleu’s death March 9, 2012, I have become educated about pitbulls, pitbull owners, and the numbers and horrific injuries and deaths by these genetically engineered dogs. To deny the scientific facts regarding their capacity for inflicting gruesome injury is to embrace ignorance with both armst. When my commentary was published, I really only knew what I had researched during a short time on the internet; however, since that time, I’ve been contacted personally by hundreds of victims worldwide who found me through the newspaper articles and wanted to share their pitbull attack horrors. I now know people who have lost children, children’s faces and body parts, pets, livestock and these are not generalized statistics…they are human beings deserving of more than being sacrificed at the altar of pitbull idolatry.

I wrote an e-mail to a newspaper reporter, Robert DeWitt with The Tuscaloosa News, due to a piece he had written about encountering a pitbull mother eating food in his garage and how afraid he was. He published the e-mail as I sent it without editing so very early on after Bleu’s senseless torture and death. The other newspaper commentaries followed.

I was initially shocked at the hatred, anger, discrimination against human beings and their pets, and outright evil launched at me after I realized that two dogs that had been in my yard often for over 2 years, eaten with Bleu, been petted by me and my grandson, and used the same vet we used just torn him apart and left him to die in a blood-sprayed puddle behind one of our barns.

I am not ignorant, uneducated, banned from procreation, less than human or any of the other hate-filled jargon slung at me by the pitbull advocates who profess to be the good owners whose dogs would lick people to death, nanny their children, protect newborns from danger, nurse newborn kittens, be service dogs for the blind/PTSD veterans/deaf or otherwise handicapped, love all tiny animals, save the drowning, protect and serve in the military, and heal the blind…all but the last remark actually posted in response to my commentaries.

I know that pitbulls attack without prior indication of provocation, soundless, relentless, bloody, grotesque, gruesome, meaty mauling, painful, useless, senseless savage brutality…I’ve seen it, I’ve heard about it, I’ve researched it, I HAVE LIVED IT.

If pitbull advocates want to change the image their dogs are creating for themselves every single day, every single day, every single day…then start by monitoring the pitbull rescues for problematic dogs, monitoring potential pitbull owners, neutering all pitbulls, requiring muzzling while on wrist-strapped leashes so if the pit bolts after another animal the owner has to follow, requiring 8 foot fencing for all pitbulls, requiring double entrance doors into homes with pits to prevent bolting into street when door is opened, requiring liability insurance to cover injuries for pitbull attack victims, and blaming the damn breed for doing what they have been bred to do for generations. If pitbull owners do not understand genetics, then they should sign up for a couple of college courses on the subject so they will realize how ignorant they are when posting statements that educated people are reading.

My Bleu was a beautiful, gentle, neutered dog killed in my yard by a neighbor’s American bulldog and a pitbull, but he was a dog, a dog, just a dog. I grieved his death and how he died, but he was a dog just like pitbull owners need to know that they have a dog, just a dog. It is the human victims attacked daily and killed often that should be protected from the stupidity of blind pitbull defense. Innocent pets, like Bleu, should not be sacrificed to pitbull worship either, but people suffered horrendous, life-changing attacks because of A DOG!

The lack of conscience, the defense of defenseless attack, the excuses for a mutated breed, the blaming of the victims, the myths and lies often quoted do not support pitbulls in any way. These things only make the real problem worse by letting those who are mutilated and affected by the deaths know there is a real evil presence in the pitbull community who relish in the torture and death of others.

Deny this??? Prove it!!!


Pam (if this is really you), It’s sad that you opted to come and post here, but yet didn’t reference or focus your response towards anything that I actually said. Literally anything.

My response to your piece was not “blind defense,” nor was it “worship,” nor was it “idoltry.” You cop-out really quick when confronted with rational dialogue. What I’ve said here in response to your op-ed wasn’t a pack of “myths” or a pack of “lies.” But that’s all that you’re clearly set on acknowledging them as, as you apparently have no way to respond to what I’ve said outside of just vaguely doubling down on broad-brushing hate.

You talk about those that are “innocent,” yet have no regard for any dog that resembles a Pit Bull and that also happens to be innocent themselves. Their innocence doesn’t matter to you.

I have no idea what types of comments (as a whole) you’ve received from the “Pit Bull community” as you like to say, but I can’t be held accountable for anyone else’s actions outside of my own. I certainly never “blamed the victim,” I actually started my letter by apologizing to the victim for their loss. If you are actually implying that I’m part of this “real evil presence that relishes in the torture and death of others,” well, then you’re so beyond rational and sane that I won’t even bother going forward with you…

You’re acting like a compartmentalized person who thinks that large groups should be punished for the actions of the few, and with no regard to the individual. That is dangerous, not my dog.

Again, either respond to what I’ve personally said here or just don’t bother to post… After all, this started as a letter addressed to YOU. I’ve clearly seen your initial stance, and now also know that it hasn’t evolved at all, which is fine, but just don’t come on here acting like you’re actually addressing me. In reality, all that you’re doing is evading, spreading rubbish, and glorifying misinformation while in the same breath vaguely talking about my so-called “misinformation” and failing to respond to any of it.

In the ironic twist of the century, attached to Pam’s comment was a link to her Facebook page… Upon landing there I was greeted with this quote:


Lastly, Pam’s now begun filling the comment section with an eyes-covered and ears-plugged, retreaded version of her initial stance. Okay. I see where this is going and where it’s not going… I’m going to end here:

Weimaraner (the same type of dog as Pam’s dog, Bleu) mauls and kills a child in Florida

Now, by Pam’s own logic, Weimaraners must then be banned as well. Right?

In all seriousness: I wonder that if Pam were a Florida resident, and they enacted a ban in response to this tragedy, if she would have then been okay with turning Bleu over to the authorities once a court of law visually established him as fitting a mold that represented a Weimaraner… Pam? Because, as the link shows, they too are clearly capable of inflicting horrific damage upon human flesh.

Going further, in the words of 20+ year Weimaraner-vet, Gina Grissom, “Weims can and do kill small fuzzy critters.” Inconvenient much? Going even further, Weimaraner Addict sources their ancestry and details how after WWII, “The Weimaraner was further refined to not only track game, but to kill it as well. This further strengthened the Weimaraner’s desire to chase down small critters and kill them.” No!! Hunting? A dog with prey drive? Wild. YourPureBredPuppy.com notes that Weimaraners are usually, “Dominant with other dogs, predatory toward small animals.” They continue, “A novice with little time and space will find him a rambunctious bully, difficult to control.” Uh oh. When speaking in regards to animal aggression they say, “Many Weimaraners are dominant or aggressive toward other dogs of the same sex. Many have strong instincts to chase and seize cats and other fleeing creatures, including livestock and wildlife such as deer. If anything goes wrong in the breeding, socializing, training, handling, or management of this breed, it is capable of seriously injuring or killing other animals.” You don’t say? Btw, PAY EXTRA CLOSE ATTENTION TO THAT LAST SENTENCE! Relevant much?

To close, much of my included commentary in this last section was obvious sarcasm. That’s my attempt at speaking Pam’s level of crazy. I certainly do not condone banning Weimaraners, or any other breed for that matter. Nor am I trying to single Weimaraners out, or negatively stereotype them in any way, as most large breed dogs have these types of similar backgrounds and capabilities when placed in irresponsible hands. I’m merely trying to relate to Pam, through her tunneled way of thinking. That means taking the time to speak in the format that she’s used to speaking in. Me turning it around effectively serves to show the massiveness of the flaw in her narrative, which in turn lays her hypocrisy pretty bare. That’s it.