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- BSL News
- Stop BSL
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- Pit Bull Rescue Central
- Understand-A-Bull
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- Animal Farm Foundation
- National Canine Research Council
- Nathan Winograd's Blog
- KC Dog Blog
- Chako.org
- Bless the Bullys
- Beyond Breed
- NoPitBullBans.com
- Shelter Track
- YesBiscuit!
- Oh My Dog!
- Dogged
- Dog Star Daily
- Dog Politics
- I'm Not A Monster
- Your Pit Bull and You
- Pit Bull Awareness of the United States
- Even Chance
- Bad Rap
- Bad Rap's Blog
- Ken Foster's Blog
- Preston's Perch
- SaveABull
- PitBulls.org
- Pack People
- Life With Dogs
- Dogster
- DogTime
- The Dog Files
- Dog News Examiner
- PetLovers Resources
- Dr. Dodds' Pet Health Resource Blog
- Pet-Abuse.com
- The Pit Bull Hoax DVD
Save A Life
Shelter Reform
- Read/Buy "Redemption"
- Rescue Five-O
- No Kill Advocacy Center
- The No Kill Nation
- The Companion Animal Protection Act
- Reforming Animal Control
- Section 1983 To The Rescue
- Nathan Winograd's Blog
- Documenting Shelter Incidents
- The Hayden Act
- The California Public Records Act
- The California Brown Act
- Maddie's Fund
- LA County DACC Watch Blog
you are a sick & twisted person! what did the dog do to u?! anyone who does that too a dog should be put in prison! if u do that 2 pits u r a low -down dirty- mangy- flea- bitted daughter of a dog!!! u have no sole! u #####!!!. u deserve to go to hell!! u will have no life ! the devil says hey. u will rot 4 eterinty in hell!!