Norman and his 1 day

Posted July 31st, 2013 in Shelters and tagged , , , , by Josh

Friendly Norman was murdered by the Carson shelter yesterday morning, one day after he became “available” to the public. Why was he chosen? No one knows. There is no good or just answer for that question. The shelter claimed that he was “injured.” We had him out the day before he was killed, he was not injured. Was a personality assessment done to determine who was to be euthanized and who was to continue to live? Was this assessment given to Norman? Of course it wasn’t. If they dare claim that it was then they royally suck at that job. Was Norman given a temperament-test? Nope. So how did they ultimately make this determination? Someone specifically chose Norman to be killed, and if they didn’t, his number fell within a group of numbers that a staff member just randomly chose to euthanize. Personality played no role. Those are the only 2 legitimately realistic options. One or the other happened. To say otherwise is to lie.