Keep your hands off the Hayden Act

Posted January 24th, 2012 in Discrimination, Prejudice, Shelters and tagged , , , , , by Josh

Be forewarned: The CA Gov. is coming after the Hayden Act! This is a law that currently guarantees all of the dogs a certain number of days before they are legally able to be killed by the shelters. Dog Park Media’s newest video (pictured above) features Tom Hayden, former Senator & author of the now 15 year old shelter legislation, addressing Jerry Brown directly… Please share this throughout California, with any and everyone who loves animals. This is EXTREMELY important. I’m proud to have my photos featured alongside this message and in support of such a worthy cause. I cannot stress how big of a deal remaining vigilant is in the face of this blatant attempt at passing the buck. These politicians are clearly more than happy to defund legitimate and worthy compassionate programs, while at the same time wasting money in other areas by the millions. Only the dogs will suffer here. If this legislation is repealed or picked apart, a shelter that now kills Pit Bulls in 6 or 7 days will likely start killing them in 3. That is completely wrong and deplorable. Stand the hell up California. This cannot happen, ever.

Things you can do to voice your opposition:
Sign this petition.
Call the Governor’s office at 916-445-2841.
Fax a letter of opposition to 916-558-3177.
Email the Governor’s office (choose BUDGET as the subject).
Mail a letter of opposition to Jerry Brown ~ c/o State Capitol ~ Suite 1173 ~ Sacramento, CA 95814.
Post to Governor Brown’s Facebook page.
Tweet the Governor and make him aware of your opposition.
Contact your local representatives and make it clear that you oppose any repeal of any portion of the Hayden Act (simply enter your zip code).
Share! Share! Share!

Worth note: Apparently the slimy Humane Society is making the case that there has been a “paradigm shift” inside of California shelters, rendering the Hayden Act “unnecessary.” They are in essence giving their very public blessing to the stripping away of this legislation. This “paradigm shift” nonsense is completely false and a fairytale no matter which way they try to spin it. Even if it was true, it’s like saying that a country has learned to “use free speech,” and thus, we don’t need the law anymore that guarantees its existence. A politician shouldn’t be trusted, and neither should the HSUS, who are part of the problem.

One Response so far.

  1. […] here for more information on this issue. The numbers to call are: 916-651-4011 916-651-4018 916-651-4027 […]

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