Jeff Stone is lying to California about his characterization of himself

Posted June 10th, 2014 in BSL News, Prejudice and tagged , , , , , by Josh

Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone, who is currently running for the Senate in the 28th district, can’t possibly be trusted when his bogus claims are compared to his actual record… Regulating dog ownership by breed? Having his Pit Bull ban blocked by state law and then mandating sterilization onto any dog mixed with “Pit Bull,” which isn’t even an actual breed of dog but instead a slang term? Calling them all vicious and sweepingly indicting millions of dogs on the back of singular incidents of bad ownership? Isn’t your dog part of your family? Stone isn’t “pro family,” he’s pro discrimination. And how in the hell can he say that he’s “pro 2nd Amendment/gun” if he was so gleefully willing to ban and regulate your dog, which he conveniently compared to a gun during a 2013 meeting? Neither should be banned (these are people problems, bad ownership), but dogs kill roughly 30 people a year, guns are used to kill thousands and thousands! If you are a law-abiding gun owner how can you possibly trust someone that was so obsessed with banning a breed of dog? Jeff Stone is not what he claims.