Human population still rising, 99.9% of dogs still not mauling people

Posted December 30th, 2014 in Community and tagged , , by Josh

So as noted yesterday on Reuters, the United States human population (via the census) has risen nearly 1% to 320.09 million people. This has been the continuing trend and it is referenced backwards and specifically noted in the article since 2010. There’s been over 11 million people added to the United States population since 2010. This statistic is important for anyone attempting to discuss dog bite-related human fatalities, as no matter how many dogs you can show that have killed a person (30 or so a year, with 2014 being a higher year than normal), the fact remains that millions and millions and millions of dogs did not. Thus the human population, and subsequently the dog population, continuing to rise is important because it shows the overwhelming deference that dogs have for human beings. 99.9 infinity percent of them, and no matter the breed. This is an indisputable bit of information that routinely goes ignored by folks who are out attempting to demonize certain breeds or types of dog. But it is still a fact, no matter how much it is ignored.

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