Free CGC testing on 7/24 in Los Angeles

Downtown Dog Rescue in partnership with AngelDogs Foundation are offering a FREE AKC-certified “Canine Good Citizenship” Test given during the Coliseum dog class happening on Sunday 7/24. There is no charge for the test and ALL breeds are welcome to partake. There is also no penalty for not passing and it would serve as a great way to find out what you would need to practice on with your dog in order to pass.

Downtown’s goal is to certify as many Pit Bull-type dogs as possible and to give back to the surrounding communities that often lack the information and access to the Canine Good Citizenship Certification Program.

Also: CGC Certification is a VERY important asset for anyone who rents and also owns a Pit Bull-type dog. Passing CGC could mean that your dog may be the exception to any draconian “No Pit Bull” rules that are often levied out against renters in apartment or condo complexes. This whole discriminatory reality is an awful problem in and of itself, but taking this step would only give you more justification for going up against a landlord hellbent on stereotyping your dog.

If you have a friendly dog and are interested in taking advantage of this free service, please RSVP to: Lori@Modernica.net

Class begins at 9:30AM in front of the entrance to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum off MLK Blvd. (Park at the Hoover lot)
Coliseum address = 3939 S. Figueroa St.

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