Be an adversarial journalist

Posted August 21st, 2013 in Inspiration, Shelters and tagged , by Josh

I don’t want to delve into the political arena too far on this page, but I heard Glenn Greenwald mention a phrase this morning that essentially sums up perfectly what I try to do with my website… “Adversarial journalism.”

…They (establishment journalists) believe in subservient journalism, not adversarial journalism. I only believe in the latter. If you want to start criminalizing journalism, it means that you’re asking, as a citizen, to be kept ignorant and to allow people in power to conceal what they’re doing behind a wall of secrecy and to have no accountability or transparency. Journalism is not a crime and it is not terrorism.

Greenwald’s talking about the political system and the national security apparatus, I’m talking about the “sheltering” system and all of their backwardness from over in my little pocket of the world. They are both empires that routinely go unchallenged. Be an adversarial journalist.

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