Shy guy Azul needs a savior

Posted July 11th, 2011 in Discrimination, Prejudice, Rescue, Shelters by Josh

This BEAUTIFUL dog is named Azul and he is currently at the Carson shelter in the 3rd building. His ID# is A4307392 and he is extremely shy and scared from whatever he has been through already in his young life. It takes awhile to gain his trust, but after 3 visits he finally felt comfortable enough to stand in front of me and show me he was no longer scared…

He is ABSOLUTELY NOT aggressive, and if/when Carson decides to get around to temp-testing him, that is probably what they will try to claim… They use “shyness” against dogs, they use “uncertainty” against dogs, they use “being frightened” against dogs, and so on and so forth… It’s a mislabeling fiasco over at this shelter–as many of my prior posts have attempted to illustrate–and hopefully we can continue to bring light to these continuous absurdities…

Please share/network the heck out of Azul’s video, because he has VERY limited time there… I have no doubt that the shelter will QUICKLY use his shyness against him and my fear is that they will be ending his life at the first opportunity that presents itself… This is as URGENT of a plea as a plea can be! Going out for 1 very special soul, and praying to God that they don’t extinguish his little light…

Observations concerning Carson Animal Shelter v2

Posted July 11th, 2011 in Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice, Shelters by Josh

Him ~ “This is what we do for aggressi….., err I mean dominant breed dogs.”
Me ~ Wait, you just said aggressive…
Him ~ “Oh, no I didn’t.”
Me ~ Well, actually you did, you kind of stopped yourself…
Him ~ “Well, if I did I didn’t mean to, I meant dominant breed.”

Observations concerning Carson Animal Shelter v1

Posted July 9th, 2011 in Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice, Shelters by Josh

This is something that I recorded a few days ago… It is meant to note my experiences with this specific institution, and my opinions based around different decisions being made & actions being taken there… Feel free to share, as the sole purpose of recording these pieces is to start a conversation about the practices that are being implemented at this location… Dialogue is always healthy, and I embrace it all, agreeable or not. This specific video is centered around the topic of “temperament-testing.” This will not be the last video.

Smiling Bart is being incorrectly profiled by Carson shelter

Posted July 4th, 2011 in Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice, Shelters by Josh

Every day that goes by is 1 more day that I become more experienced in the area of NOT understanding shelters…

Do I understand and see quite clearly what they are doing? Yes. But do I agree with the process? Does it make sense to me? Do I feel it’s the only way? All NO’s. Hence the “not understanding” part… We all know–there are some really unfortunate trends continuously playing out, and I’m going to start pushing back in the only way that I know how to…

This is BART:


It was written there by a volunteer who (you guessed it) actually INTERACTS with Bart! This same card has been out and on display since Bart came into the shelter back on May 23…

This past Friday I called the shelter (prior to the big holiday weekend) to ensure that the staff had noted “being networked” within Bart’s file… It was at this time that the phone operator said that Bart was deemed “Rescue only,” due to him getting a “D” on his temperament test. I will leave my immediate response out of this article, but lets just say that this judgment by the shelter is a complete disgrace… Anyways, this test that Bart apparently “failed” was given back on June 3. By my count that was 28 days ago… Even more shocking than this, was that I was told that 2 interested adoption parties were turned away due to this profiling…

On Saturday morning I called again, and made the request that Bart be Re-temp-tested… Guess what? I was told “No,” flat out. This was the same response that an actual volunteer was given when she called Friday afternoon and requested the same thing… When I asked the phone operator why not, I was told–because Bart was “VERY AGGRESSIVE”–so not just aggressive, but now VERY…

Let’s get back to reality here for a second… In the video you can see one of the volunteers going in and getting Bart out for a walk… As you can see, Bart is extremely scared. He’s putting the brakes on out of fear and uncertainty… He doesn’t know, for all he knows he’s being led to the “kill-room.” The volunteer eventually leads him out by being friendly and supportive–and notice Bart’s tail, always wagging (even after he initially retreated, he came back to her, tail constantly moving)… Yet, according to the phone operator, it was the kennel cleaners and feeding staff who were the ones that noted this mystery “aggression.” They claim Bart “cowers in the corner” when they enter his kennel… Well, maybe he does? And maybe it’s justified? What do you do when an unwanted person enters your space? It might be scary… Or maybe he’s afraid of water? These persons just hose down the kennels, sometimes with no regard whatsoever for the animal… My own girls run to the other end of the yard the second I turn the hose on… Does that mean they are aggressive? Or sketchy? Or unfit for living? No, No, and No!

Point blank, numerous things don’t add up… How has an “aggressive, rescue only” Pit Bull survived 42 days in Carson’s extremely high-kill shelter, when totally friendly and adoptable Pit Bulls on average only last there a fraction of that time? I mean seriously… Carson killed about 10-12 totally harmless pitties this last week alone, and that number is only based on the dogs that I know of, because I photographed them just days earlier… If Bart was even partially as nasty as they claim he is, how is he still alive after 40+ days? By their own logic it’s beyond puzzling… The only answer I can come up with is that every time someone asks about Bart, that Carson then confuses the dogs? And I know that’s not the case because you can’t mess up the same way 20 times in a row… Clearly Carson knows who Bart is, and they honestly think he’s an aggressive dog–or they are just taking the word of an employee and don’t care to check it out for themselves, or their temperament-testing methods just suck, or all of the above…

All I know is that this bungled, confused, mess of a reality is costing dogs their lives! Carson shelter discriminates against all Pit Bulls, by putting them (no matter the age) through this rigorous situational course of foolishness before allowing them to be adopted out by any member of the public… Am I against temp-testing as a concept? No, not really… I think all dogs of EVERY breed should be payed attention to, showed love, and monitored accordingly… But when it’s being done by uncaring individuals with bad energy, with big sticks, and with fake hands, used to pull at the dogs food while it’s eating and so forth… It’s just bullshit. You know your concept of “temp-testing” ISN’T WORKING when angelic dogs who wouldn’t harm a damn fly are getting scores in the D-percentile range… But enough about that.

Back to Bart… Look at him, watch that video, go visit him and see for yourself… This dog is the exact opposite of an aggressive dog. It insults my intelligence to have this shelter staff even utter that phrase… To know that they have DISALLOWED 2 separate opportunities for Bart to actually get a home, it’s enraging. Not only that, but that they are now denying multiple requests coming from myself and others, to have Bart re-tested by their shitty temp-test… Why? Why fight so hard against people that are actually wanting to help? You’ve kept him alive for this long… All I’m trying to do is get that “aggressive” label back off of him so that he’s given the pure chance that he deserves… Maybe 1 of the interested parties are even still interested in adopting him? It’s worth checking into… Isn’t the point to save the dog? (Sometimes I feel I’d be horrified at their honest answer back)

As it stands right now, Bart is still alive… Since there has been this level of push back concerning the original temperament test, he has been spared until at least Tuesday–which is when the sargeant gets back in, at which time he will hopefully reassess the situation.

Just to be clear, I have used some very harsh phrasing within this article… Should that then categorize every person who makes up the shelter staff? No. Absolutely not. There have been individuals who I’ve found to be helpful, others who I’ve found to be just the opposite, and then others still who obviously exist and who are allowing things like this to continue to happen… 3 different realities, but 2 different problems, and sometimes the problematic areas seem to overlap.

Finally–yet another thing I found interesting… Even though the kennel card pictured above remained on Bart’s cage through his intake week AND THE ENTIRE MONTH OF JUNE, it is now GONE… Replaced with a new card that has no notes on it… Carson shelter.

I have 2 questions

Posted July 3rd, 2011 in Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice by Josh

Here is an updated story concerning the actual charging of the Pit Bull owners from the incident in San Diego… Is that specific portion good news? Yes! Unfortunately the media–at the behest of a boatload of hateful human beings–have already skewed the conversation and spent the better part of the last 2 weeks beating the “ban-drum.” Not to mention 13 Pit Bulls lost their lives, 11 of which were completely innocent 3-week-old puppies.

But back to the story… I was drawn to 2 particular portions of the article, which I’ve screenshot below:

The first part being: Why weren’t the Boxers as a breed then targeted by the citizens? By the media? By the city?–after this “attack”?

And secondly: Why, in a span of 25 long years was there only 1 instance where an owner was actually arrested and then subsequently convicted after a “mauling” incident?

To my first question…
Am I proposing the banning of all Boxers? Hell no, I love ALL dogs… I’m just using the absurdity of the witch hunt-mentality and applying it to all incidents NOT involving Pit Bulls, and then asking myself if there is/was a discriminatory precedent set? If the answer is “NO,” which in this case it was, then why not?

To the media… Was this just not a juicy enough story for you? Do some of your staffers personally have Boxers? What gives? Where was the lynch mob? All of these are sarcastic questions of course, but it shows the lack of consideration given to Pit Bulls when an animal of that “type” finds itself in a situation such as this…

And another question, going out to Boxer guardians… Do you feel lucky? Knowing that your dogs are on the “okay” list? Do you recognize dog racism when you see it, or only when it applies to your type of dog? Would you stand with Pit Bull guardians when their dogs are marked for extermination? Or would you join in on the conversation, villainizing the pitties amongst the mob? I know plenty of Boxer guardians that LOVE Pit Bulls and could write this article verbatim, for me, and on a pit’s behalf… But at the same time, there are some guardians of all breeds that talk pitties down–clinging to the safety that exists in knowing that their dogs would never be targeted… I find that highly disturbing, shallow, ignorant, lacking in long-term conceptual thinking, among other things…

What happens if this tyrannical world one day comes to fruition? A world where the scum owners continue to get off, free from charge and media scrutiny, and where the pitties then perish and are phased out? Well, obviously those same scum owners would just move on to another breed… Maybe yours? And then the cycle repeats itself.

And to my second question…
That makes 2 cases in the last (now) 30 years, where the owners have been a partial target… How only 2? I guess that’s 2 better than 0. Can’t this situation create some sort of momentum in the direction of COMMON SENSE? How about the owners become the ENTIRE target, and then make that the precedent. Now that’s a world I’d like to live in.

San Diego Union Tribune trying to stir up hatred

Posted June 27th, 2011 in Discrimination, Media, Opinion, Prejudice by Josh

Important: I was notified that the San Diego Union Tribune is doing a phone survey concerning whether the city should BAN PIT BULLS…
It takes 30 seconds, I just did it…
1-800-244-6397 x2506, choose option #2 (It’s the owners, not the breed, against ban) ~ It doesn’t matter if you live in the area or not, you can still participate and it’s free…

You can also go directly to their website and vote

From a grassroots level doing both is advisable, and it gives us the opportunity to speak up resoundingly loud in favor of the millions of fantastic Pit Bulls and out against any potential spreading of BSL legislation… It’s been thoroughly proven to not work, thoroughly rejected by the majority of people, and does nothing but induce hate, increased killing, stereotyping, scapegoating and ugliness.

All of this comes in light of a horrible incident that occurred on Saturday involving a 75-year-old woman from Paradise Hills… An incident that in my view should prompt the DA to file charges AGAINST THE OWNERS of the dogs…

What we don’t want, and what we constantly have to deal with, is opportunists and vile human beings using this tragedy as justification for banning and subsequently killing ALL Pit Bulls.

No Pit Bull is inherently dangerous or inherently violent, and especially towards human beings… It is just not reality, but yet continues to be exploited by media and the like because it drives ratings and is a hot button topic for people who’ve never taken a minute of their time to ever be around or bother to get to know one… If they did, they would see almost instantaneously that the very-high-majority of all Pit Bulls in existence (even the ones in shelters, many of which have never had a home, a person, or been shown love) have some of the most generous and loving dispositions towards their human counterparts. This is irrefutable. It is bad owner’s–made up of dog fighters, gang members, drug runners and just downright careless human beings of all color and creed–and placated by irresponsible breeder’s (who allow said individuals to continue to occupy these animals) that are the problem, and make no mistake about it.

Quite bluntly–anyone with a shred of common sense, dignity and decency can see that it’s an “owner” or “circumstance” to blame, not a dog… And villainizing an entire ANYTHING based on the actions of a few is patently ignorant and flat out wrong, always, and every time.

Please participate and then share, WE HAVE THE POWER, our voices…