Kelly Ripa throws all Pit Bulls under the bus

Posted October 9th, 2012 in Discrimination, Media, Prejudice by Josh

Kelly Ripa, from earlier today: “But the gangster’s dog is uh, I mean if it’s a gangster it would have to be a dangerous, uh, Pit Bull kind of dog, right?”

To view the album I was referring to in the post click HERE.
If you’d like to leave your own comment click HERE.

Speaking on PBLN Radio about breed-specific spay/neuter laws

Posted September 26th, 2012 in BSL News, Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice by Josh

Here’s some audio from when I called into Pit Bulletin Legal News to discuss how breed-specific mandatory spay and neuter laws are just another way to essentially ban a certain type of dog.

False implications are harmful

Posted September 6th, 2012 in Discrimination, Media, Opinion, Prejudice by Josh

After reading this article and watching the video, why is a straw man argument being presented by the journalist, the family and the cops? So, if the dog “was” a Pit Bull then that justifies the cops in shooting and killing it? Why are all 3 parties debating over whether the dog was a Pit Bull or not? It’s as if the family is trying to prove the dog’s innocence by making sure everyone knows it “wasn’t” a Pit Bull. Well, what else does that imply then? Is everyone implying here that Pit Bulls are guilty and deserving of taking bullets to the face? This dog (or any dog), Pit Bull or not, doesn’t deserve to be the victim of a cop’s power trip. ALL types of dogs are capable of being innocent bystanders. This type of false debate, false implication, does just as much harm to dogs as a whole as any gun could ever do. RIP Scar.

Pam Ashley doesn’t make any sense, my invitation

Posted July 17th, 2012 in Discrimination, Opinion, Prejudice by Josh

A few days ago Pam Ashley came to my page and posted a comment in response to my open letter to her… I’ve since updated the original post with a handful of the most disagreeable dialogues (Pam’s included). You can link directly over to those updates by clicking here.

Her communication has since went further, thus prompting this new post…

Quite bluntly, Pam doesn’t make any sense at all… In her initial op-ed she said, “Statistics do not lie.” I even quoted her in my original post, responding in a way that used her chosen statistics, and numerous others, against her point. Now, in the comments many months later, she’s claiming that statistics do not mean anything. Here’s actual quotes from Pam, posted in my comment section from yesterday: “Do statistics on either side of the argument mean a thing? No.” & “My statement is meant to say that people choose to believe what they want regardless of statistics… Talk about closed minded!” Then she mentions her self-proclaimed favorite quote, which is pictured below…

So, in essence, she’s basically admitting that the only statistics that mattered to her were those that propped up her initial argument. Then once confronted with other statistics, they all of a sudden don’t matter at all, but her’s still do. Which is why I find her favorite quote ironic, because that quote is fundamentally speaking about a person who is diametrically opposed to dialogue and taking serious another point of view. That’s her in a nutshell. She can’t say the same about me, because at least I respected her’s and others opinions enough to respond to literally everything that they said. Whether you agree or disagree with what I actually said, the acknowledgement of the many debated topics is there. Pam’s retorts leave you with the feeling that she didn’t even read anything that was written, let alone think on it. She instead just goes through a repetition of vague defenses. All rights and wrongs aside, it’s pretty obvious that she isn’t coming from an open place. Irony. Her favorite quote condemns her.

So here we are. There’s been a back and forth, albeit kind of scattered. I can’t make or force anyone to even remotely want to respond to actual points of debate. I can’t force someone to want to have a genuine and rational conversation. What I can do now is at least extend this invitation…

I’d like to personally invite you out to Los Angeles, California so that you could accompany me on a visit to one of the local shelters out here. I’d love to film you actually meeting the dogs, and then interview you on camera claiming that each of those individuals should be euthanized and for whatever reasons that you’d like to openly justify on film. We could even speak to the shelter staff and see if they’d be willing to let you stand in the room while they euthanized some. I’d be willing to film that too, and then put whatever message you’d like to attach to it out and into the world unedited. Please note that this would all be filmed and shared on the internet to be seen by countless amounts of people. If you are so confident in your positions and in your opinions then I’m sure that we can expect to have your video public service embraced by the majority of society. I’d love to give you that opportunity to put your face onto your chosen message of outright Pit Bull elimination. Why? Because I’m confident in the opposite, that you’d be exposed as a hateful and spiteful individual who couldn’t hold her own in a 2-way conversation, thus doing Pit Bulls the ultimate service. I have no doubts that I could raise the money to cover not only your flight but a local hotel as well. This would be contingent on you signing a contract agreeing to fully take part in the video documentation, as well as the interview and video conversation with myself. What do you say?


Pam, as expected, quickly declined…

But, “No redeemable value”? Really? The chance to put your voice and message on video, to be virally shared on numerous platforms and having the potential to reach a very large amount of people. The chance to speak to thousands of pro-Pit Bull people directly, and thousands more people in general, spreading your “wonderful” and “righteous” message. The chance to school me (critic of the witch hunt) in an interview, on film. The chance to have your views embraced, since they are so awesome and the public is bound to overwhelmingly agree with her on this, right? You’d think that someone who was remotely confident in their ways of thinking would actually at least consider this idea. Apparently not. Yellow streak?

PETA gives crickets on Lennox, as expected

Posted July 10th, 2012 in BSL News, Discrimination, Media, Prejudice by Josh

It’s been thoroughly pointed out how backwards, hypocritical, contradictory, and downright evil PETA’s stances are in regards to any and all things “Pit Bull.” I’ve been meaning to put my overall take on their asinine position out and into the public domain–but people don’t need to hear it from me, as there’s plenty already out there that covers their nonsense in detail. But now with Lennox’s imminent death coming down from the BCC, and the protests and public outcry going on on his behalf, it begs the novice question: Where’s PETA?

Well, here’s your answer…

Unfortunately PETA doesn’t care about Lennox, or any other Pit Bull-type dog for that matter. Their official stance is that ALL Pit Bull-type dogs should be phased out and killed. The reason? I honestly can’t make this type of stuff up, it’s far too Orwellian for any sane or rational person… They want to eliminate the breed/type in order to “save them from abuse,” and before that aforementioned abuse were to even potentially happen. You know, since ALL Pit Bull-type dogs are “abused” and all, and while ignoring the fact that millions are actually living in loving homes right now… So, not only do they want to brand all Pit Bulls as being “abused,” they then want to take the “abused” and kill them. There’s no desire by PETA to focus on who the actual abusers are… No. Why do/support all of that work when you can just scapegoat a vague type of dog, as well as the people who have and love them? Support BSL? They absolutely do. So how could they, in good conscience (or no conscience), come out in support of Lennox, when they, as an organization, support the very laws that got him impounded in the first place? Sorry, the truth hurts. They’d rather separate Pit Bulls from dogs, perpetuating the stereotypes and myths, and pose as their fake saviors by killing them all as an “act of mercy.” How loving of PETA. No, fuck PETA.

This is the equivalent of someone saying that all newborn children should be immediately put into state-run foster care because their actual parents “may” abuse them. This is the equivalent of an organization rounding up all of the newborn elephants on the Serengeti and killing them in order to “save them” from potential poaching. This is the equivalent of a group of power trippers using self-established numbers, like income (for example), and then establishing who is “fit” or “unfit” to do (insert activity here) as a “whole,” or as a “group,” or as a “class,” or as a “race.” Where I come from that’s what racism is. “Killing to save them”??? Besides being totally insane, this is DOUBLESPEAK in its grandest example. Talking to disguise, distort, reverse the meaning of words, so that it sounds pleasant or less horrific… Yes, this is how we go all over the world starting wars in the name of “peace.”

Peace IS NOT a bullet in the head.

Not to get too political, but doublespeak is all around us. In this field–the Pit Bull advocacy community–there is no bigger violator than PETA.

Embarrassed for humanity today

Posted June 12th, 2012 in BSL News, Discrimination, Prejudice by Josh

I’m embarrassed for humanity today. There’s really no other way to state it.

Bid to save Lennox from destruction fails
Belfast woman loses final bid to save Pit Bull Terrier-type dog
Lennox sentenced to death
Lennox to die as N. Ireland court rules against dog

Outrageous ignorance and a penchant for living lives ruled by imagined fears are unfortunately two of many people’s biggest traits. This is a sad reality. Lennox is paying the ultimate price for these traits. God only knows how many ultimately pay the price every day. Shame on Belfast and anyone anywhere in the world who supports the scam that is breed-specific legislation.

All that these people responsible for upholding this scam needed to do was bring Lennox out (privately, or even publicly, and with camera’s rolling) and let him reunite with his family. They’d quickly see for themselves that this is a good dog. Not only that, but they’d then be forced to re-examine this decision from a less-detached place, or opt to uphold this monstrosity in the face of that touching moment. Instead, his family (which includes a 12-year-old girl who misses him dearly) won’t even get to say goodbye or even see him for a second, and he will likely be murdered by some scumbag who is ordered to drag him into a room with a catch pole. This is a total tragedy. To the people that don’t agree: My God, what has happened to your insides?

As of now, Lennox is still alive. I have no idea when the actual killing is going to happen… So knowing that, please continue to fight for him! He has (and has had) many rescues outside of the country that have offered him a safe haven, and yet, Belfast has refused to release him. Belfast has also ignored multiple assessment videos, ignored countess recommendations from highly respected dog behaviorists, and ignored their own photographic evidence that shows Lennox KISSING the very person that (under oath) called him “extremely aggressive.” They’ve also undoubtedly ignored their conscience constantly, as well as the overwhelming evidence that disproves BSL as an effective tactic when it comes to decreasing the many frowned upon behaviors and happenings that it was created to curb. Most important of all: Lennox did NOTHING. He was found guilty merely because the size of his head (when tape measured) exceeded some number that a bureaucrat had set, as to determine “what was” and “what wasn’t” a “dangerous” dog. This is tyrannical insanity.

To email Ireland’s Prime Minister:

To let the Belfast City Council hear you, go to their Facebook page and leave a “recommendation.”

If you’d like to send an email to each of the Belfast City Council members, blind copy them all at these email addresses:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Further reading:
An outrage in Belfast: The sad case of Lennox, the dog
Victoria Stilwell “shocked” at Lennox health condition

Satire I

Posted May 31st, 2012 in BSL News, Discrimination, Prejudice by Josh

In light of the recent human-on-human cannibalistic “mauling,” when does Miami-Dade County consider banning African American males who also have beards and neck tattoos?

I’m obviously COMPLETELY KIDDING, but since this is currently in the news, I thought it could be used to show how ridiculously absurd it is to take 1 horrific event and blame an entire group of anything (people, animals) for the actions of an individual, or a few.

Before I go any further… I’m totally sorry if anyone takes this as an insensitive post. That’s not my intention, but I do want to acknowledge how it may be perceived that way by some… I also wanted to state that I have no idea why or how Rudy Eugene did what he did. I don’t know if he was a bad guy, I don’t know if he was on some crazy drug, and I don’t mean to imply to the people that actually did know him what he was or what he wasn’t. I can comment on his actions though… He ate someone’s face practically off, and that is clearly disturbing and abhorrent. Back to my intention with this post: All I’m doing is noting a well-publicized incident that happened and trying to draw a parallel with how a group of dogs (Pit Bulls) get demonized as a whole when some scumbag treats his dog like shit, chains it in the yard, doesn’t socialize it or show it any kind of love, and then it eventually “bites” someone or (using a go-to of the media) “mauls” someone. Well, now Rudy Eugene has legitimately “mauled” someone. The homeless man that was attacked “had his face eaten down to his goatee.” So yes, my initial question was sarcastic. It was satire. It’s intended to show the sheer hypocrisy and ignorance of such a potential action. An action that is actually playing out in the dog world. An action that has, coincidentally enough, already played out in Miami. Lastly, this absolutely has nothing to do with me trying to minimize black people, as Rudy Eugene just as easily could have been white or Hispanic, and I would have used the exact same example.

All that being said, I maintain that people and animals alike should be treated as individuals and judged by their specific actions. You cannot demonize anything for the actions of a few. You cannot honesty attempt to ban or cull a group of anything for the actions of a few. People are ultimately responsible for themselves. People, owners, guardians are ultimately responsible for their animals. If someone commits a crime, they should be tried in front of a jury of their peers, and if proven guilty, suffer the consequences of their actions. If any animal legitimately mauls or kills a person, that animal should be dealt with appropriately and the owner of said animal, as well as the circumstances surrounding the incident, should be thoroughly examined… If unsavory treatment is found (which is always the case) then that person should be effectively charged so that he/she is held accountable, made clear of the improper treatment, and if they infract again then the punishments should escalate. What SHOULDN’T happen when someone commits a crime is then seeing everyone else who falls under some sort of comparable category to the perpetrator (race, ethnicity, type, creed, similar look, similar interests, similar characteristics) suffering the broad-brushing and unjustified consequences. That’s tyranny folks. That’s ignorance folks. That’s hate folks.

In an odd turn of events, Maryland, a state which just recently introduced statewide legislation meant to negatively typecast all Pit Bulls as “inherently dangerous,” just had a similar cannibalistic event come to light today… Apparently Maryland resident, Alexander Kinyua, admitted to murdering his college roommate and then “devouring his brain and heart.”

I now ask: Is the asinine state of Maryland, bent on discrimination, now considering enacting a statewide ban on all African American males who also have shaved heads? You know, since they all must be cannibalizing murderers and all…

And the insanity strikes yet again,
London apparently has an animal-torturing, cannibalizing murderer of their own, and who they’ve yet to catch… What’s the tie in? You guessed it, the United Kingdom has a countrywide ban on anything that remotely resembles a Pit Bull. Furthermore, under the “Dangerous Dog Act of 1991,” any dog that even “intimidates” another person can be seized and destroyed. “Intimidation” is a very open-ended phrase, very subjective and could mean essentially anything to anyone. For example, if a friendly dog were to run up to someone who was claiming to be scared of that dog, that would then qualify and your friendly dog could be deemed “dangerous,” seized and destroyed.

So again, and hopefully for the last time, I ask: In light of these recent events, is the United Kingdom now considering a ban on all white males who are also bisexual and enjoy partaking in gay porn? Because someone that fits that exact description is out there chopping people’s bodies up, eating them, and feeding live kittens to a yellow Burmese python for a video audience!

Carson shelter killed at least 130 Pit Bull-types in November of 2011

Posted May 30th, 2012 in Discrimination, Prejudice, Shelters by Josh

In November of 2011, the Carson shelter killed (at least) 130 Pit Bull-type dogs. I know this as an absolute fact, because I’d photographed each animal, and later verified each’s status with numerous phone calls. This kind of claim can be made because for that entire month I was visiting the shelter every other day. This was done with the intention of documenting every pittie face that came through this terrifying facility. I met and spent time with every one of these beautiful creatures. They were sweet, they were individuals. Over my dead body will this information remain secret.

Allow me to make this as real as possible for you… In order to fill that type of a killing total for the month of November, they’d of had to kill the equivalent of 4.3 Pit Bulls EVERY DAY. I’m here to tell you that the Carson shelter absolutely did this. No, I’m not stating that they actually killed 4 dogs every single day. They could have just as easily killed 12 one day and 0 another, as evidenced by their killing of 18 pits during the 58 hours that they were “closed” for Thanksgiving. But these are how the numbers work out, horrifying in either regard. Next, take the per day Pit Bull-type estimate and stack that next to the per day kill-rate for ALL dogs impounded at Carson (from current fiscal year 2011-2012 (ytd))… That number works out to 6.7 per day, established after receiving some public records from the shelter regarding their outcomes. Math then reveals that with these 2 estimations, over 60% of all shelter dogs actively murdered in November were likely “labeled” as Pit Bull-types. I realize that that isn’t an exact science, as 1 number is solidly November, and the other number is an average pulled from almost 10 months now of total intakes… But you get the idea. Unfortunately, the transparent truth is probably even worse. The overriding point is that this type of stuff is happening every month, November is the topic today because I was constantly there to document and demonstrate the example.

Here’s a fine example of perpetuating unfair stereotypes

Posted May 24th, 2012 in Discrimination, Media, Prejudice by Josh

So this video takes audio from Richard Randall’s show on 5/21, where he vaguely lumps all sorts of people in together and implies that they are unsavory characters… Pit Bull owners, tattooed individuals, stocking hat wearers, hooded sweatshirt wearers, sports team jacket wearers, do-cap wearers, people who don’t wear belts, men with long hair, likely men with shaved heads, etc.

Then, during my search to find this audio clip, I initially listened to the wrong day (5/22). It was there where I heard Randall, and guests, harp on the fact that Mitt Romney was being unfairly treated inside of a high school classroom. Apparently the teacher was very pro-Obama, and she started actually screaming at a kid who was simply pointing out that “Obama wasn’t a God” (kid’s words). They actually played the audio clip on the show, and (from my perspective) it was just a kid who was trying to point out that neither Romney nor Obama were above criticism. The teacher’s argument was that you couldn’t criticize Obama because he was the President, and that that showed “disrespect” towards him…

Now, I’m neither a Republican or a Democrat, so I don’t have any kind of a political side to defend here. I was, however, far more interested in the tone that Randall and his guest took when discussing this situation… Because it was the exact opposite type of a tone that he had taken just a day earlier, when discussing “hoodies” and “Pit Bulls.” They now had objections that this teacher was not allowing for a fair discussion, and instead “indoctrinating” a classroom full of students with her political beliefs. On that, I agree with them… A teacher has no business, whether Republican or Democrat, forcing their worldview onto their students. That goes against everything that a classroom is supposed to represent. They were then calling this kid, and his actions, “heroic,” because he stood up for some objectivity and voiced his concern.

So my questions are then… Where was the objectivity on 5/21? Isn’t grouping essentially millions of people together, based on a piece of clothing or a specific type of dog, irresponsibly ignorant at its core? Wouldn’t speaking to thousands of radio listeners in a totally UNOBJECTIVE way, also be considered an indoctrination? And then, am I a “hero” by their standards for posting this video in response? Or does that only apply to individuals that stand up for what could be considered as Randall’s “side” of the argument? And finally, why does the Pit Bull’s reputation have to take another massive hit? Subtle, but massive. This is exactly why so many people, who have never even met/seen/experienced a Pit Bull in person, end up thinking HOW they think… Because media figures, like Randall, are constantly projecting a sensationalistic tone whenever these dogs are referenced.

Reuniting Tilly with her person

Posted May 13th, 2012 in Discrimination, Prejudice, Shelters by Josh

While at the shelter yesterday I met Shannon, a homeless woman, who had both of her leashed Pit Bulls illegally shot by the police when their homeless encampment was raided last week… The “raid” had nothing to do with Shannon or her dogs. Unfortunately, 1 of her dogs was killed after it was shot in the chest. The other (Tilly) ran away and is now impounded at the Carson shelter. While there, the shelter wouldn’t let Shannon see her. The staff has marked Tilly as “rescue only” and they want close to $500 in fees from Shannon before even entertaining the thought of allowing this woman to get her dog back. Can we raise this money for her? I’m going to try…

If you’d like to donate: Please go HERE. If we can get a rescue involved then I’m assuming that the fees would be much less, since they can’t transfer penalty fees onto whomever else that would want to save this dog. Regardless, whichever way becomes necessary, I’d like to have an amount that can be designated for helping them. If they need the money for the shelter fees, fine. If not, and we can find another way to get Tilly saved through rescue, I’d still like to give them the funds that are raised so that we can help them in that small way. This woman was a nice person who clearly loves her dogs. She is still grieving heavily and rode her bike to the shelter to try and see Tilly. Thank you to anyone that does help…