A response to the picketing of L.A. County shelter workers

Posted October 2nd, 2013 in Shelters and tagged , , , , by Josh

How about they fire Marcia Mayeda (Director of the web of L.A. County pet-killing facilities), then divvy up her massive salary (over $150,000/yr) between shelter workers that actually give a damn and programs that could be created that those shelter workers could then run in order to help save their impounded dogs? Further, I guarantee that many of the shelter workers out there on the picket line yesterday could honestly care less about animals and should be doing something else, anything else. How about they also get rid of Gil Moreno (Carson shelter) and other uncompassionate managers, bring on driven people from outside of the system for half or even a third of the money, then give them bonuses from L.A. County that would be strictly based on performance to fill the salary gaps?