Embarrassed for humanity today

I’m embarrassed for humanity today. There’s really no other way to state it.

Bid to save Lennox from destruction fails
Belfast woman loses final bid to save Pit Bull Terrier-type dog
Lennox sentenced to death
Lennox to die as N. Ireland court rules against dog

Outrageous ignorance and a penchant for living lives ruled by imagined fears are unfortunately two of many people’s biggest traits. This is a sad reality. Lennox is paying the ultimate price for these traits. God only knows how many ultimately pay the price every day. Shame on Belfast and anyone anywhere in the world who supports the scam that is breed-specific legislation.

All that these people responsible for upholding this scam needed to do was bring Lennox out (privately, or even publicly, and with camera’s rolling) and let him reunite with his family. They’d quickly see for themselves that this is a good dog. Not only that, but they’d then be forced to re-examine this decision from a less-detached place, or opt to uphold this monstrosity in the face of that touching moment. Instead, his family (which includes a 12-year-old girl who misses him dearly) won’t even get to say goodbye or even see him for a second, and he will likely be murdered by some scumbag who is ordered to drag him into a room with a catch pole. This is a total tragedy. To the people that don’t agree: My God, what has happened to your insides?

As of now, Lennox is still alive. I have no idea when the actual killing is going to happen… So knowing that, please continue to fight for him! He has (and has had) many rescues outside of the country that have offered him a safe haven, and yet, Belfast has refused to release him. Belfast has also ignored multiple assessment videos, ignored countess recommendations from highly respected dog behaviorists, and ignored their own photographic evidence that shows Lennox KISSING the very person that (under oath) called him “extremely aggressive.” They’ve also undoubtedly ignored their conscience constantly, as well as the overwhelming evidence that disproves BSL as an effective tactic when it comes to decreasing the many frowned upon behaviors and happenings that it was created to curb. Most important of all: Lennox did NOTHING. He was found guilty merely because the size of his head (when tape measured) exceeded some number that a bureaucrat had set, as to determine “what was” and “what wasn’t” a “dangerous” dog. This is tyrannical insanity.

To email Ireland’s Prime Minister: taoiseach@taoiseach.gov.ie

To let the Belfast City Council hear you, go to their Facebook page and leave a “recommendation.”

If you’d like to send an email to each of the Belfast City Council members, blind copy them all at these email addresses: attwoodt@belfastcity.gov.uk, d.browne@ntlworld.com, maryellencampbell@hotmail.com, converyp@belfastcity.gov.uk, corrs@belfastcity.gov.uk, tiernac77@gmail.com, catherine.curran@allianceparty.org, niallodonnghaile@gmail.com, tom@weaverscourt.com, garrettm@belfastcity.gov.uk, empgroves@msn.com, hairet@belfastcity.gov.uk, hannac@belfastcity.gov.uk, sandebelfast@sinn-fein.ie, hartley_tom@hotmail.com, maire.hendron@allianceparty.org, williamhy@dup-belfast.co.uk, husseyj@belfastcity.gov.uk, mervynjones54@yahoo.co.uk, keenancolin@belfastcity.gov.uk, bkelly@utvinternet.com, kingstonb@belfastcity.gov.uk, kylej@belfastcity.gov.uk, mallonn@belfastcity.gov.uk, conormaskey@hotmail.com, mccarthyp@belfastcity.gov.uk, frankmccoubrey1@hotmail.co.uk, gareth@dup-belfast.co.uk, laura.mcnamee@allianceparty.org, mcveighjames@belfastcity.gov.uk, caoimhinmgm@yahoo.com, mairtin@newbelfast.com, mullankate@belfastcity.gov.uk, adam.newton@live.co.uk, carole.newton@hotmail.co.uk, lydia@dup-belfast.co.uk, reynoldsl@belfastcity.gov.uk, robinsong2@belfastcity.gov.uk, rodgersj@belfastcity.gov.uk, spenceg@belfastcity.gov.uk, christopher_stalford@yahoo.com, stokerb@belfastcity.gov.uk, naomi@dup-belfast.co.uk, andrew.webb@allianceparty.org

Further reading:
An outrage in Belfast: The sad case of Lennox, the dog
Victoria Stilwell “shocked” at Lennox health condition